If you are a family who pefer your 'church' to be a bit less 'traditional' then Messy Marks is an opportunity for parents/carers and children of all ages to spend time together in the afternoon, enjoying fun, food, crafts, fellowship and worship. It takes place on the third Wednesday each month beginning at 3.30pm and lasting approx two and a half hours.
The first session was on 16th April 2008. Over a hundred and thirty people from the local community came as we discovered Abraham and Sarah and how God keeps his promises.
Each month there are at least six or seven different crafts linked to the biblical theme of the day. These can be quite varied but usually include at least one 'messy' craft. Edible crafts are particularly popular, especially when it is messy and edible together!
Messy Music is an important part of the afternoon as we endeavour to learn more about the theme using puppets, drama, stories, magic and of course singing. It brings all the families together to share in God's love, power and word. The afternoon finishes with a hot meal and mouth-watering cakes.
But parents/carers, please remember that your child is your responsiblity, so please be aware of their behaviour and their where-abouts at all times. Thank You!
Why not join us? For more information contact Linda Lawrence the Messy Marks Co-ordinator via email at messymarks@dsl.pipex.com or ring on 07716184960. We will be more than happy to help with any enquires you may have. Or visit the Messy Marks web site at www.messymarks.org.uk